Really good list of SharePoint resources
These video’s are pretty good examples of some of Microsoft’s integrated innovation ideas. Illustrated by the connected car concept
Although not strictly contradictory, it makes for a nice title. This article is about one of Microsoft’s reactions to Open Source and one way in which it is delivering on its “integrated innovation”, marketing strategy.
The basic concept is that Microsoft takes a collection of their products, and applies them to the solution of a particular business need. They publish for free standard architectures, processes, templates etc. You can populate these architectures with some products of your own choice. In a way whilst this is not Open Source it’s a sort of Open Solution.
The concept is quite interesting to me because one of the challenges with Open Source software, due in the main to the way it is created, is how to build a coherent solution from the many different components, without some over-arching architectural vision. Where does this vision get created in the current Open Source development model? It happens within IBM, Red-hat and Novel etc and it probably happens in a proprietary way. Even if all of the source for the components in the architecture are Open, the architecture itself is likely to evolve in …
This may seem like a simple question to answer, i.e. is written, just like any other software! It also might seem a strange sort of question to ask, but you will hopefully get my point if you read on!
NOTE: No thorough analysis supports the observations I report here.
It seems to me that the vast majority of the important Open Source Software comes to be through the following mechanisms:
Johnathan Schwartz writes a nice article about Sun’s dilema, now resolved, about how to compete against Linux. Linux is not a product, its a social movement that Sun applauds, so how can they compete? He goes on to explain that in reality Linux is delieverd as many incompatible distributions, and...
This video of Microsoft Reasearch into large screens and multiple monitor support, shows some of the cool things that you can start to do with all of that screen real-estate.
My previous two posts gave two examples of projects that would have benefited from having been Open Sourced. They happened a long time ago, when I worked for a different community and both have disappeared so there’s no problem with discussing them. When these products were developed Open Source was just an emerging concept. I am not going to discuss the history of Open Source, that’s been well documented already, and I am not qualified. However I am going to start to build up a series of articles that describe some of concerns and the challenges I think the Open Source model faces in the future. I am going to assess some of the established beliefs as documented in Open Source bibles like the Cathedral and the Bazaar and I am going to do my bit to try and help.
In a previous post I described a simple networked or standalone, (depending on data definitions), document imaging processing project I led. This system would have been perfect as an Open Source project for the following reasons:
I thought I would pick two previous projects and look at their potential as Open Source projects. The second I picked is a bit whacky. It was written almost entirely in DCL and provided an automated help desk job logging, analysis and reporting tool and knowledge base. To write this in DCL is a testament to the flexibility and power of the VMS scripting environment and indexed files and the creativity of one of its developers, (not me). But the concept was mine and its ‘conceptual integrity’ was maintained for many years. What value could this have had in an Open Source context:
This system lived for well over a decade and died because the team that used …
As I gradually migrated towards infrastructure and away from line of business applications, the reality of having to deliver applications to Windows and manage them on Windows began to dawn on me. To a developer used to centralised computing, with remote access through X Windows or terminal clients this was a considerable shock. However my first real Windows development project showed one of my most valuable character traits, I don’t give up easily! Without going into the gory details, here are some of the attributes of that first application, a system for capturing, storing, accessing and viewing large image collections: