Daily Archive: June 11, 2006

I am saddened that Scoble is leaving Microsoft

I was shocked to learn that Scoble is leaving Microsoft, but probably not that surprised.  I told him a few months ago that I was very impressed by the influence that he has had on the company and his bravery in achieving it.  I am sure that many other people...

My personal experience of home working

I consider myself to be very lucky to work from home.  Because my medical condition makes it difficult for me to travel at least a couple of times a week and I feel too ill to work for at least a few hours most days only a decade ago I...

The ups and downs of telecommuting

HP recently shocked it’s employees and sent a few ripples through the industry when they decided to reign back home working.  Their justification seems to be that whilst home-working is great for many senior employees it makes it difficult for junior staff to build their skills and broaden their experience. ...