Treo 650 tune up
Over the holidays I decided to give my ageing Treo 650 a tune up. I wanted to develop a more efficient workflow. Here’s what I came up with:
- I have my Treo on my desk all through the day, its a waste of space, so I decided that it would make a great clock. To achieve that I needed to configure it to keep the display illuminated when it was docked during normal working hours. CradleCare does this well and Big Time is a great clock with a large display giving date and time and two additional time zones (I normally work with Australia and the East Coast of the USA).
- Mobile reception in my house is dreadful and I get quite a few mobile calls, which is a real drag. I wanted my Treo to automatically forward all calls to my business line when its docked and unforward when its undocked. CradleCare does this as well.
- I have wireless email but I find I don’t use it that much, as most of the time I am out I don’t want emails intruding into my quiet time. What I need more is a copy of my Inbox, all my Sent emails and a few key folders like my Admin folder (that has all my licence keys, order numbers, procedures etc in it) my Wireless email doesn’t do this so as an experiment I have switched back to using mNotes again. mNotes is very slick! If I really need emails on the move I can get them on my Tablet PC.
- I find it annoying that after a restart the phone doesn’t get turned on and the SD card doesn’t mount. PowerUp and CradleCare again do this just great
- I always forget to sync up, so I need a way to automate it, CradleCare to the rescue again!
- To make sure that the clock gets displayed after each hourly synch I need a way to restart it automatically, AfterSync (freeware) does this.
- I love podcasts and need a quick and easy way to get them onto the phone, I have a 2GB SD card and I used to pop it into an external reader. I tried card export but it Wasn’t reliable. Then I found the less flashy Card Reader and it works perfectly, I have never had an issue with it even copying over 1GB of files at a time!
All in all I think the software cost about