More audio books

2014-01-28 13.16.54The rain and dark mornings seems to be driving me to establish a habit of starting the morning early at Caffe Nero and then moving on later to the Beach Terrace Cafe normally with a walk in between.  This makes for a very luxurious morning which allows for 2 hours of quality reading time and maybe 40 minutes of planning, email, tracking and maybe the odd game of Sudoku which I badly need to practice.  By breaking the reading into two slots I get two chances to do some long form reading, which still proves very hard to focus on, ironically one of today’s longest articles was on Attention, posted on the excellent Art of Manliness blog.

Having finished reading I did a quick circuit of the beach and then headed for Chorley where I had a couple of coaching sessions to do which are always a very enjoyable part of my week, and then after the usual email catch up I headed to Rivington for lunch, and more email, at Rivington Great Barn Cafe.

By the time I’d finished lunch the rain had stopped so I had to make the difficult to decision, wet gear or dry gear?  I chose wet and I’m sure glad I did as within 10 minutes it was pouring down, fortunately not only did I wear my best waterproof jacket and shoes, but also my heavy walking trousers and these are 100% waterproof and very comfortable, so my 2 hour podcast session in the hills was a real joy.

The best podcast of the day was the frequently excellent Triangulation, this episode was a discussion with the author of Big Bang Disruption by Accenture Researcher Larry Downes and I will be listening to the book when it comes out on Audible.  The comments on the book on Amazon also delivered a nice list of recommendations that were already on Audible, so I bought The Second Machine Age  for my next Think Week.

Aside from the Art of Manliness post on Attention, my second favourite post of the way was by the frequently inspiring Brain Pickings blog, which provided a review of my second audio book purchase of the day An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield.

Settling down now to watch The Following and Intelligence on TV, while Debbie attends her night school class.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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