Lazy Day In Cleveleys

2015-11-07 11.16.13

Debbie and I went to Cleveleys today, we went earlier than usual to watch the movie Brooklyn, and to make sure that we had time to get brunch at Cafe Cove.  Although it’s not particularly adventurous I really enjoy our Cleveleys visits, time together in the car, wonderful views, great simple food, a good movie and a little shopping makes for an almost perfect lazy day out and today was no exception.  Brooklyn lived up to expectations, it was a lovely film, very nicely put together, funny, romantic, touching and sad in equal measure.  There were some great characters that a TV series could have really made something of, for example the priest, American shop manager, the land lady and of course the Irish shop keeper.

I slept well, woke early and forced myself out in the rain (well waterproofed) to spend a couple of hours at Caffe Nero. I then did a bit of housework and shopping, did the washing and cooked the evening meal.  Tonight we had Lewis, Anna and Debbie at dinner, but I also made food for Tessa when she gets home from work and two meals for tomorrow.  I decided on an old favourite, home made pizza, made from scratch using my favourite break mix and it seemed to go down very well.

I’ve also taken another step in the direction of producing less waste, today’s idea was to buy two large glass jars, one will be filled with dish cloths and take the place of kitchen roll, the cloths can be used, rinsed and thrown in the washer throughout the day.  The other jar will have plastic bags that have been rinsed and dried and are ready for re-use.  We get through a crazy amount of kitchen roll and plastics so this is an important step, at least to me, and I think it will be quick and easy.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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