Matt and Amy’s Wedding

2015-10-10 08.42.16

It’s pretty rare that Debbie and I go to wedding’s so it was nice to be invited to Thom’s Dad’s wedding today.  I’m still mid flare so it required a fair bit of will-power to dress up and travel there, but I did it and I’m pleased that I made the effort.  It’s also funny that I actually felt over-dressed, in my waistcoated suit, matching tie and scarf.  I’m much more comfortable in walking gear, so to find myself over-dressed really is a new experience!

I forced myself out of bed at my usual time and amazingly even managed to motivate myself to take the long route into town along the sea-front.  It was a tiring painful walk, quite different from the uplifting experience that I usually enjoy, but it’s almost always worthwhile to make that extra effort during a flare.  I spent a couple of hours in Caffe Nero and then headed home in the rain.  I was shivering all the way home, so I went straight in the bath and read my book for an hour, until Tessa, desperate for a shower, kicked me out.

I then lounged around for another hour – all dressed up – before it was time to drive to the wedding in Dolphinholme with Tess and Deb, Anna and Thom were already there.  We waited in the car for 20 minutes and then trundled around to the church from the church hall car park.  It was a very wet drive, lots of fords to drive through and the roads were rapidly becoming temporary streams.  The church – St Marks – was absolutely lovely, quite small, very friendly, atmospheric, with perfect lighting and modest decorations.  The wedding itself was very cute and quirky and everyone there was very friendly, Eva looked lovely in the little dress and cape that Anna had made for her and Amy looked very much the traditional village bride, albeit dressed for a lovely spring day, rather than a very rainy one.

As we were leaving the rain finally stopped and we got to briefly admire the views of the Forest Of Bowland, I didn’t manage to get any pictures, so I’ve picked one of the same area from earlier in the year. Tess stayed with Anna for the reception, but Debbie and I came straight home, I was pretty exhausted and wasted no time in getting into my dressing gown and snuggling up in my recliner in front of the TV.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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