I’ve just got back from swimming and I’m feeling the kind of power in my stroke that I’ve not enjoyed for over 30 years. I’d planned to swim 30 lengths, but I just kept going and speeding up until they closed the pool on me. Swimming can seem like a chore until you get fit enough to swim like this and then it’s a wonderful experience, quite intoxicating. This is the first real sign of progress resulting from my 6 months of post retirement effort and I’m really quite encouraged, even if swimming does still hurt a bit the pain is so much better than a month ago.
I slept well again last night after a lovely time with Debbie watching movies until just after midnight. This is my second good night and I can’t explain just how much of a difference it makes to the way I’m feeling! I got up just before eight and headed to Caffe Nero ready for it’s 8:30 opening time, but it was put back to 9:00 today so I snuck in an extra 30 minute walk. I spent the time there writing my 2016 resolutions and then walked home to collect Debbie. After a few chores, washing, washing up, cleaning etc we headed off to Cleveleys.
When we arrived at Cafe Cove every table was full, but just as we walked in someone vacated so we got our favourite table. We spent the time there talking about holidays and weekly activities that we can add to our normal routine this year, to provide more shape and variety to our lives together and I was very pleased to see how enthusiastic Debbie was. I’m hoping she keeps on thinking of ideas over the next few days and ideally writes them down so we don’t forget.
After lunch we walked into town and then onto the VUE cinema to watch The Danish Girl, which is a very similar story to The Theory Of Everything, perhaps both films starring Eddie Redmayne and produced by Working Title films explains the similarity. It was a moving story, although I’m not sure how representative the torment of Lili was of other’s with the same ‘condition’ and how much it was exacerbated by the radiation ‘treatment’ she had.
After a quick meal (smoothie) I just had time to get to the pool before it closed and now Debbie and I are ready for a bit of TV time.