Category: Youtube

What I’m Growing and Sowing in July

June has been a crazy month, with a few days colder than February and then blazing hot a fews days later followed by gales and heavy rain. The beans have suffered the most, hardly climbing at all. Hopefully July will get things growing again, there’s not much I can do...

How I grow in containers

I don’t generally like to make ‘hot to’ videos, because everyone’s needs and circumstances are so different.  However sometimes I make a “how I do” video, and this is one of those.  I explain my philosophy about the use of containers in the polytunnel and greenhouse and show examples to...

My allotment journey in books and TV shows

This is just a quick video to introduce some of the books and TV shows that shaped my journey to self-sufficiency, or perhaps self-reliance.   The self-sufficiency dream that started when I was 13 isn’t realistic of course, but we have achieved it in some important, perhaps the most important...