Tagged: homeworking

My new home office

Sam asked me a couple of weeks ago to blog about my new Office. I’ve been resisting because I wanted to spend at least a month working in it before I felt ready to really comment on how it’s changed my life.  Seems a bit of a bold statement “changed...

25 placed to work

As part of HP’s happiness at work initiative they have listed 25 new places to work.  I’ve repeated the list (minus a few of the less relevant ones like the Eiffel Tower!) below with my comments in blue: The garden. There’s nothing like an English summer. And even if the...

A perfect day

Dave Pollard gives us his idea of how one might aspire to spend the day: So, for example, a 24-hour day might be allocated to the following important activities: 9 hours a day for sleeping and personal hygiene 2 hours a day for physical exercise — running, meditation, working out,...

Home office energy saving

I already have energy saving bulbs in my home office (and the rest of the house) but this Christmas I thought it was time to make a bit more of an effort so now I have my centre desktop monitor plugged into one of these plugs.  I then have an...

Wifi Purge

Although I was aware that I was being exposed to a lot of EM radiation in my home office I didn’t really give it much thought, that is until I read this article – The Gathering Brainstorm – in the Ecologist magazine.  I then did a quick count and found...

Walking while you work

I do a lot of work while out walking,  normally this takes the form of phone calls, dictating notes, listening to recorded teleconferences and listening to PODCASTS.  While at home I found that I could scan my RSS feeds with my laptop resting on the handlebars of my exercise bike...

Home office update

I’m currently brainstorming ideas for my new home office,  I spend about 6 hours a day in it right now, so its the most important (time wise at least) space in my life.  Debbie and I currently share the room and I essentially have one quarter of the wall space,...

The future of work[space]

Tom Davenport is spot on, with this post: Here’s a next big thing: companies will need to redesign their workplaces to better fit the needs of knowledge workers. The idea that we should spend our workdays in boring cubicles — either in big downtown buildings or suburban office parks —...

Another virtual flip on the horizon

In my home lab I’m always flipping between VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server (and clients), with the announcement of a new version of VMware server it looks like another flips on the horizon.  Probably when I update the lab hosts to Windows Server 2008.  Windows Server 2008 is looking very...

Multiple monitors in Vista

Anyone you read my blog knows that I am a big fan of multiple monitors.  In Vista support for multiple monitors is slightly more restrictive, here’s a summary: Multiple monitors attached to a single card – no problem Multiple monitors attached to multiple cards with the same driver (which normally...