Office 12 and Beyond – Real time collaboration

Main themes:

  • Reduce cost, including travel and communications expenses
  • Time to market, how to get breakthrough ideas to market faster
  • Distributed teams, how do I get a global organisation to act in concert
  • Connect people, especially customers and suppliers
  • Access to information and people

4 key capability areas, which are very interconnected:

  • Integrated communications
  • Collaborative workplaces
  • People driven processes
  • Access to information and people

RTC is nearly 1000 people grown from 30 several years ago, it is one of the largest investment areas for information worker.  In Microsoft telephone is hardly used now, its all IM and Email,  this must say something about geek personalities!

The vision:

  1. Peoples roles and identity
  2. Policy, presence, relationships, context
  3. Calendar, data, conference, voice, video, IM, SMS, Email
  4. iWorker application integration, spaces, consumer application integration, information agents
  5. Across devices, across networks, across home and work, real-time and non-real-time, trustworthy, hosted, on premises and P2P

Products today:

  • Office communicator, Presence, IM, Voice, Video, Web conferencing, Phone, Office applications
  • Live communications server, presence, IM, federated
  • Live meeting, hosted web conferencing

New products coming

  • Live Server,  Office 12 time frame,  same functions as LCS + non hosted version of Live Meeting.  
    • 250 people in a data meeting
    • multi-party audio, video and data < 10.
    • multi-party video support in Office communicator, full screen video as well
    • Extranet access 
    • Support for group IM – synchronised from AD.  1000 people in a group, 100 people per message
    • Server of choice for round-table.
  • Live meeting 8
    • Quicker time to join meeting
    • toolbars for most common tasks
    • eLearning enhancements, break-out room support
    • in meeting file transfer
    • full duplex VOIP and PSTN integration
    • web cam support
    • Active presenter video
    • share multi media content for example flash and windows media files
  • Round table, multi-media comms platforms, includes HW, for conference rooms, 360 video, who’s talking, includes data conferencing.  currently in alpha, meeting recording
  • Communicator web access,  same UI look and feel as Office communicator but available via the web – 2–4 months
  • Communicator mobile, SIP based, Microsoft and RIM creating LCS clients, 6 months


  • Office 12 and RTC one unified roll-out has a lot of advantages
  • RTC lights up Office
  • 12 products in the RTC family
  • kids “email is the way they communicate with adults”  real-time is the future
  • Great video that I should try and get hold of “RTC futures video”


  • Must test in production
  • 2000 users minimum on communicator
  • PBX integration
  • Live meeting 8
  • Project manager
  • Executive sponsor
  • Server engineer, networks engineer, telcom engineer, 4–6 server
  • Project budget
  • Nominations open now
  • kick off event is November 05
  • Beta 2 Q2 CY06
  • RTM H2 CY06

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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