Tagged: All Posts

A new youtube video: Celebrating Allotment Meals from 2018

NOTE: apologies for the low volume audio running in the background of this video, I forgot to set the volume to zero during editing. Lots of people have requested some insight into what we eat from the allotment after seeing so many harvests. I’ve managed to cobble together a few...

A new youtube video: Wrapping up 2018’s Allotment Finances

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2agNFp5IxGQ/hqdefault.jpg If you’ve been following along you will know that I keep a rough tally of what I harvest and what I spend in £ on the allotment. This December we spent nothing and harvested £239 worth of veg and of course ate loads from the store. This was enough...

A new youtube video: A Tour of the Allotment Store

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aHFKdjqJPRM/hqdefault.jpg We just went through the allotment store to check everything out. Fortunately we only had a couple of rotten spuds, two sprouting garlic cloves and a couple of mouldy onions. Everything else was in fairly good, or very good condition, so it’s all back in the store and this...


I’m still not sure about Facebook, as a business tool – seems to be a bit of a time consumer so far, but I can see it’s appeal for kids.  Taking a look at Grahams profile gave me a few ideas so at least I have a little content there now...


I have always written a weekly highlight report, but now I’m finding that Twitter is a nice complement, its very easy and natural to provide these short twitter updates and having a client always available on my laptop, desktop and Blackberry means there’s a low threshold to overcome.  If you...

Architecture as a service

I might be stretching a point a little (well actually quite a lot) with the title,  but just like Software as a Service gets rid of all the redundant effort that goes on in every enterprise delivering software,  so Architecture as a Service is doing the same thing.  A few examples of...

Does improving collaboration depend on culture change?

(updated with a link to Michael’s post that works!) Michael argues that we hide behind the need for culture change on many collaboration projects, his key point is illustrated by this example: if a team can run a project in email then they can run one in a collaboration tool....

Work less – achieve more

For most of my working life I have really enjoyed my work and put in a lot of hours,  but my recent illness has resulted in me working probably an average of 6 hours a day over the last 3 years and it’s resulted in a significant shift in my...