Monthly Archive: December 2005
In this post John Hagel describes the phenomena that is Dubai, it struck a chord with me because I recently watched a BBC2 series on Dubai called ‘Dubai Dreams’ and it really scared me…. Dubai is a tiny place, its rich but its oil is running out, to replace the...
In this article eWeek discusses the fact that Exchange 12 has several competitors for the Email market. This is undeniably true however most enterprise Exchange users must inevitably be seeing the future of Email as an integrated part of a broader and integrated communication and collaboration solution. In that context...
Monad continues to inspire me, I have written about it a few times and am really excited about the long term potential for automation within Windows. However the casual observer might find it difficult to understand this potential, in which case I recommend looking at way the Exchange team decided...
Well I have been concentrating on work. My doctors have recommenced that I spend no more than 6 hours and usually only 4 hours working at my desk, so I have been concentrating on work during those 4 hours. Blog posting has therefore had to take a back seat, however...