Daily Archive: February 22, 2006

Are you a GTD convert, looking for a great tool?

I recently came across a quite amazing offer from AxoSoft,  that allowed me to get a 5 user version of their project management software OnTime for just $5 rather than $495, even better the $5 was donated to the Red Cross!  I have been struggling to find a project/task management...

Which Mind Mapping Product Do I Use?

A quite few people have asked me which mind mapping product I use, because I have just linked previously to Mindjets web site and not been specific. Well I use MindManager X5 Pro,  which is not the latest version that Mindjet provide but it’s pretty good.  My daughter (13) has...

Mind Mapping Projects

I thought I would share another of the ways that I use mind mapping, to create a project plan.  Mind Manager (my tool of choice) really lends itself to this because you can export a map to a Microsoft Project and synchronise changes.  Although I don’t use the sync feature...

How I use MindManager

MindManager is a great tool that I have been using for about 3 years,  I routinely create Mind Maps of books that I read by jotting down key ideas and concepts on a folded A4 sheet of paper that I use as a bookmark.  A recent book summary that I...