Monthly Archive: August 2006

Enterprise blogging

Rod Boothby has some useful comments on a list of the top 10 management fears associated with enterprise adoption of web 2.0 technologies.  Here are my comments on Rod’s comments!  in blue Enterprise Web 2.0 Technological Barriers 1. How can I be certain that the information that is gathered and...

Paperless office

I used to laugh at the idea of the paperless office,  over the last 20 years I have presided over a number of projects that I thought would reduce paper but actually increased usage, so I am pretty cautious now.  However having seen for myself that the combination of a...

Another inspirational house design

On the theme of houses that I started yesterday this is another low impact innovative house design: The log cabin of the 21st century? A spacious, 3000 sq.ft. home that generates its own heating and air-conditioning? A structural envelope that can maintain an even, comfortable interior – cool in summer...

Windows Live Writer – suggestions for improvement

Having just written 13 new posts with Live Writer I have the following suggestions; When I am writing a number of posts I expect the post I have just written to close after posting and a new blank post to appear.  Or at worst when I click new I expect...

Tablet Slate

I am a really big fan of the Tablet PC slate format,  its so quick and easy to pop it into my rucksack and drag it out again a in a meeting, in a cafe, on the beach, by the pool etc.  In these environments I don’t want to be...

Insights into PDA usage

I work quite a lot on mobility but I still find it difficult to get good insights into the way different companies use PDAs and other mobility solutions, so I was surprised when I came across this post by Mary Beth Raven.  In the post she asks her readers: As...

Motivating geeks

Following on from my post on consumerization, which includes enterprise IT providing users with greater choice and control, I found this list of 10 ways to motivate geeks pretty interesting: 1. Geeks are curious. Let them feed their desire to learn things2. Geeks like to be self-sustaining. Let them figure...

Gartner loosens up

I believe that consumerization will have a big impact on the enterprise,  I for one gave up on the idea that my company would meet all my IT needs long ago, and regularly make personal investments.  In general I consider my personal tools to greatly enhance my productivity, way beyond the...

Blogs and PKM

I use my blog as a personal knowledge management tool.  Every day I collect up 20-30 blog posts, web pages, PDF files etc to read.  They are all there on my Tablet PC as different tabs in Maxthon, the following morning I read them and then for those that need...

Productivity toolkit

This post provides a really useful summary of productivity tools, companies and individuals don’t put anywhere near enough focus on personal productivity, so this list provides a really good start point.