
IMG_3401Today is one of those days when I can’t motivate myself to do anything challenging,  it’s a rare experience for me, typically less than once a month.  I’m never sure what brings it on but my guess it’s a combination of factors.  Those factors today include a cracked tooth, the need to do 3 months of expenses, spend an hour listening to an ethics compliance CBT course that’s the same as last year, arranging for the second time in the last month to get the roof repaired, eating too much and an all day rain forecast.

On days like today then my strategy is to start, and today’s start was at Caffe Nero reading, then moving on to the Beach Terrace Cafe for more reading.  I took my laptop too because I needed to do some research and the iPad is not really up to that job.  It’s often when I get home that I struggle.

I’m on a Thinkweek so I didn’t have any scheduled work to do and my preference is to listen to a good audio business book while out walking, but I couldn’t face another day walking in the rain. So I started reading Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products but I started to fall asleep after 30 minutes, so I did the dreaded CBT course and expenses instead.

Trying to find some inspiration I then watched series 1 of Wainwright Walks and was happy to discover that I’m gradually starting to know my way around the Lakes.

Tomorrow should sort me out though, I’m booked in at the Dentist to fix the tooth, then off to Preston for a 3 hour planning workshop, then popping into Caffe Nero Preston.  It should be a good day.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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