Raised Beds

2015-09-07 07.17.59

Today was my first real strength training session and although it started late, it went well.  I enjoy pushing myself in exercise and I like it even more when I’m getting encouragement and support from someone else.  I’ve noticed yet another benefit of having a personal trainer, he run’s around setting up my weights for the next activity, while I’m doing the current one, as well as making sure my technique is good.  We’ve decided that I’m going to do 4 sessions a week, going forward but to make it affordable each session will only be 30 minutes long.  I’m going to do the warm up and warm down on my own so each session will be 30 minutes at high intensity with a maximum of 30 seconds rest between each set, there’s no chance to get bored!  I’m planning to do the strength training sessions Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday with the other days being for recovery.  After each session I might swim, cycle or do sprints, over time, as my fitness improves, I might start attending some of the free classes.  Right now though I just need to get stronger as todays workout has me nursing a sore shoulder.

The delayed start for my strength training meant that I got a lot done this morning, in addition to a longer than expected reading time at the Beach Terrace Cafe, I also scheduled the recycling of the patio table and chairs and measured up and ordered the wood for my new raised beds.

I’m going to have ten beds next year, up from six this year.  I’m retaining the three square ones that I already have, but the seven new ones will be about a third larger than the ones they replace.  So overall I should be doubling my capacity, allowing me to grow some purple potatoes and carrots as well as unions, courgettes, cucumbers, beans etc.  The extra space on the patio will also allow me to move the fruit trees off the shady drive and into the sun and provide more space for tomatoes and strawberries in tubs.  It’s going to be good, making the beds myself is less than half the price of buying them and has the advantage that I can incorporate some experimental design features, that I’m looking forward to.

2015-09-07 12.56.23

Since it’s Debbie’s first day at work I wanted her to have something nice to come home to, so I popped into the garden centre and bought flowers and heather for a much improved front border, I’m really pleased with how it looks, although a little more work is required to finish it off later in the week.

Finally I watched Brian Cox’s lecture “The Science of Doctor Who” which was very well done, funny and educational, well worth a watch.

Today’s photo is of Granny’s Bay, taken at around 7am while making my way to the Dalmeny Swimming pool by an intentionally meandering route.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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