Inverting My day


Last night in the bath I was mulling over the difficulty that I’ve faced motivating myself to do any major work in the house and garden and I had a brain wave.  Maybe it was the way I structured my days, I always go out in the mornings and come home in the afternoon, by then I’m tried and I want lunch and a nap, the rest of the afternoon gets consumed by chores.  So I asked myself what if I invert my day, get stuck into the household job first thing in the morning so that there’s no excuse, and then, after lunch, go for a walk/cycle/swim – it worked!

I had the luxury of sleeping in this morning, which is quite the treat, I was up at around 8am and had breakfast watching the sun-rise from the conservatory, rather than the beach.  I felt the draw of a sunny walk, but I resisted and after walking around my vegetable beds with a tape measure for 15 minutes, finally decided what I wanted to do.  I quickly made three raised beds, although one plank of wood had gone missing, so I had to improvise, and then I got stuck into the shoulder stressing job of digging out the grass.  I positioned the new bed and did all the required earth moving and then relocated one of the frames from the side beds to the back, adding feet (to stop the wind blowing it around) during the move.  I’m really pleased with the result and now I have a clear plan to finish off the remaining two beds over the next month.

After the garden work I tidied the front garage and repositioned the bike rack, in this new position I’m unsure whether there’s any point getting an outside storage box for it as it’s very neatly stowed.  I watched a couple of TED talks, did a load of clothes washing, washed up, washed our bedding, made lunch and then went on a cycle ride in the sunshine, to Blackpool.  When I arrived home I was really ready for that nap!

Now I’m watching a fascinating three part TV show about The Buddha, Confucius and Socrates, three great thinkers, who reshaped the ancient world, all within a hundred years of each other.  The show mentions the fantastic progress we have made technologically as a civilisation, but just how much having archaic, fixed, fundamentalist belief based religions have held us back from psychological advancement, I’d not thought about it before, but it’s clearly true.  We have not grown very wise as a species, still the wild children we were thousands of years ago, the only thing we seem to have as a substitute for wisdom and morals is a huge bureaucracy of laws and rules.  I’m looking forward to dinner with Debbie soon and then maybe an early swim and some TV time.

Tomorrow I’m going to Arnside, I’m having breakfast with Vince and then going on my favourite walk.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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