Monthly Archive: August 2017

August Allotment Tour (Jennie’s Plot)

Jennie’s plot is dominated by beans at the moment, we have dwarf French beans, climbing french beans, runner’s and runner/French crosses and they are mightily productive! We’ve cropped about 25kg off the three plots so far and the freezer is full, so my plot’s beans are now all destined for...

August Kitchen Garden Tour (The Back Garden)

It’s time for a kitchen garden tour and the focus at the moment is racing to get everything in the ground for autumn. That means aggressively pulling the existing carrot and beet beds and replacing them with lettuce and spinach as we have plenty of root veg on the allotment...

August Allotment Tour (Steve’s Plot)

A very windy day on the allotment on the day before our open day, so I’ve been busy helping Debbie on her plot, tidying Jennie’s plot and doing loads of work preparing for autumn and winter in mine, as well as harvesting of course!!