Monthly Archive: March 2019

Managing Arthritis With An Allotment Centric Life

In this post I cover an oft-requested topic.  How my allotment centred life has helped me manage Adult Onset Still’s Disease (AOSD) and Fibromyalgia.  AOSD is a very rare auto-inflamatory disease, as a result the information on the web is drawn from a small sample of patients and isn’t very...

Allotment Diary (March – Week 2)

Allotment Finances We’ve harvested a total of £805 of fruit veg this year We’ve spent a total of £396 this year, mostly one time investments What we’ve harvested and eaten We harvested a total of £143 worth of veg this week, excluding everything from the store. We had 39 meals...

Allotment Diary (March- week 1)

Allotment Finances We’ve harvested a total of £667 of fruit veg this year We’ve spent a total of £385 this year, mostly one time investments What we’ve harvested and eaten We harvested a total of £135 worth of veg this week, excluding everything from the store. We had 33 meals...

Buy Me A Coffee
Thank you for visiting. You can now buy me a coffee!