Category: Allotment Diary
Overview of the week I’ve continued to be over tired this week, so I’ve been mostly at home in St Annes, but that’s given me the opportunity to sow seeds and do some potting on. Fortunately I’ve not missed much by being at home because the weather has been...
Overview of the week I’ve not felt very well this week, so I’ve been mostly at home in St Annes, but that’s given me the opportunity to work through a few allotment jobs and sow seeds and do some potting on. Fortunately I’ve not missed much by being at...
Overview of the week I’ve been away hiking on the east coast since the last harvest, arriving back on Friday, just in time to harvest again, so I can safely say no work has been done on the allotments. I did however get a few seeds sown on the Sunday...
Overview of the week The weather has been very changeable this week so I’ve taken the opportunity to get a lot of odd jobs out of the way. The most important of which was releasing the new version of my allotment database (see videos etc later). I’ve also managed to...
Overview of the week It’s been a busy week, I’ve had two days out walking, lots of swimming and a day barrowing wood chips to Debbie’s plot and my plot as well as one of our allotment friends. We’ve also done the biggest harvest of the year so far. I...
Overview of the week We’ve had some great weather this week, so rather than distract ourselves and go hiking, we’ve knuckled down and made real progress on all those jobs that we should have already finished by now! The main focus has been on laying down wood chip on Jennie...
Overview of the week I’ve been away on holiday this week in sunny Scarborough and I had a lovely time, hiking the Cinder Track from Scarborough to Robin Hood’s Bay and several other hikes and adventures. I took the opportunity to take a rest day in York and toured the...
Overview of the week Maybe it’s that new year spirit, but I’ve actually been motivated to spend quite a bit of time on the allotment this week, something like 8 hours in total, most of it was spent clearing up. I’ve also planted my first batch of seeds! We’ve also...
Overview of the week I’ve done it … this is my 52nd report! That means that finally all of this effort will pay off, because I will be able to read last year’s diary next week, as well as writing this years. Actually I took a quick look at...
Overview of the week We’ve been away on holiday this week, visiting family for the first part of the week and then friends for the latter, so there’s been no activity on the allotments all week, just a single harvest. What a harvest it’s been though, a really beautiful selection...