Category: Allotment Diary
How much time have I spent on the allotments? Not much time on the allotment this week, mainly harvesting and tweaking the water collection system and moving water from the collection tanks to the storage tanks, a total of 8 hours, big push next week though as we almost finish...
How much time have I spent on the allotments? Most of my time this week has been spent expanding my rain water harvesting system, I’ve upgraded from 2.6m3 to 4.6m3 and that’s involved moving lots of storage containers and water around to make room. I’ve also given half of my...
How much time have I spent on the allotments? Most beds are cleared now and replanted, so there’s not much to do except establishing the new plants and harvesting, I’ve spent 6 hours in the allotment this week. My main focus at the moment is enjoying the cooler weather, perfect...
How much time have I spent on the allotments? Most beds are cleared now and replanted, so there’s not much to do except establishing the new plants and harvesting, although I have a bit of a weeding backlog. I worked for 9 hours in total, most of that harvesting and...
How much time have I spent on the allotments? There’s actually a fair bit of work to do on the allotments at the moment as I clear summer planting and replace it with winter veggies, so I’ve done 4 half days there this week and done a lot of tidying...
How much time have I spent on the allotments? There’s actually a fair bit of work to do on the allotments, but the weather has been good for cycling and hiking, so that’s taken precedence and I will have a couple of days on the allotment next week. This week...
If you received this via email click here to get all of the images and videos! How much time have I spent on the allotments? It’s actually hard to believe that I’m writing this diary almost at the end of summer, because it seems like the last 6 weeks or...
If you received this via email click here to get all of the images and videos! How much time have I spent on the allotments? The total for this week is: 8 hours, it’s been raining a lot (so no watering) and to be honest there’s not much to do...
If you received this via email click here to get all of the images and videos! How much time have I spent on the allotments? The total for this week is: 18 hours, which is very high because we have been preparing for Open Day and because I spent 8...
If you received this via email click here to get all of the images and videos! How much time have I spent on the allotments? The total for this week is: 8 hours, it’s been a relaxed week, if you exclude the hassle of dealing with the council’s strategy to...