Category: Allotment Diary

Allotment Diary (April – Week 2)

It’s been another great growing week on my allotment. It’s been sunny and cold, but most of that cold has been from the north wind and my low tunnels and cold-frames protect the veggies nicely from winds from the North and West. I’ve had to stop off at the plot...

Allotment Diary (April – Week 1)

Well the weariness of mid March has well and truly lifted now. It’s been such good weather that even our house cat has ventured outside. It has however been very cold at night, with frequent frosts, so Debbie and I are now enjoying an evening walk around the allotment site...

Allotment Diary (March – Week 4)

The weariness of last week faded away through this week, partly because the sun came out, but also because the rate of sowing and planting is much reduced now. Our lockdown starts to lift on Monday and I know I’m only a few days away from finishing the garden, having...

Allotment Diary (March – Week 3)

I’ve been tried this week and a bit lacking in motivation. I always get this way in March as I grow weary of sowing and planting, too much preparation and not enough pottering around and harvesting in the sunshine. I’d normally have mitigated this weariness with a holiday in February...

Allotment Diary (March – Week 2)

We’ve had a lot of rain this week, which has frustrated many, but suited me just fine. Since the allotment is now fully planted my main issue is actually water and I’d used nearly 600 litres last week, rehydrating the beds after winter. The heavy rain has now topped up...

Allotment Diary (March – Week 1)

I’ve just watched a video of the allotments at this time last year and it’s quite enlightening to see the differences. By far the biggest difference is that this year we now have no kalettes left on the allotment, whereas last year we still had about 4 plants. Kalettes give...

Allotment Diary (February – Week 4)

I think I will be starting this diary with “what a difference a week makes” fairly frequently now, but it’s so true. After months of hardly any change on the allotment, suddenly everything is growing, leafy quality is improving and the whole feel of the place is transformed, in fact...

Allotment Diary (February – Week 3)

What a difference a week makes. The wind direction changed to a southerly, the temperature rose and we enjoyed cloudy skies with a few sunny spells. Perfect planting weather and it needed to be, because I had quite a few seedlings desperate to be planted, but held back because of...

Allotment Diary (February – Week 2)

We’ve had beautiful blue skies and sunshine all week, but it’s been extremely cold and with the wind-chill it’s been around -10c for most of the week. Temperatures inside the polytunnel at night have been around -4 to -6c and so I’ve relied upon fleece to keep things growing, especially...