Category: Living Well

My Simple Guide To Eating Well

  This post is part of a series that makes up my Simple Guide To Health which is part of a broader collection of posts on Living Well. Of the series of guides that I’ve written so far, this one’s been the most difficult to write.  There are so many...

Living With Compassion

It’s not been easy for me to come up with an over-arching philosophy to live by, but gradually I’ve nudged my way towards living with compassion.  Daily life is constantly presenting situations, mostly involving people, that frustrate, anger, disappoint … and compassion provides a tool to turn all of these...

When Work Stops Being Fun

The main reason that I decided to retire was that work had stopped being fun. For over three decades I’d loved my work, it provided me with friends, status, accomplishment and lot’s of laughs and excitement, but gradually that changed.  Conference calls replaced face to face interactions, strangers replaced friends,...

My Life After Work

Well that’s it, this is the last part of a series of posts reflecting on the end of my traditional working life as I finally retire from work today. This post explores my first tentative steps towards laying out what my life’s going to be like now that I’ve retired...