Tagged: Collaboration

Linked in

LinkedIn reached a tipping point for me this weekend,  I got fed up of just accepting invites and decided to see if I could use it to deliver some real advantage.   This meant I had to get serious about using it: Creating a proper profile with a comprehensive career history,...

Living on the web

Over recent weeks I’ve been asking myself why we “hide” so much behind the firewall.  In my company for example we have recently setup or planned wiki’s, blogs, expert location systems, social tagging etc – all private.  The immediate reaction is that this is a good idea, this is confidential information, but...

Not convinced about Telepresence!

Those of us who grew up with the co-located meeting never stopped complaining about how unproductive the experience was.  We spent years trying to improve the level of interactivity with whiteboards, flip charts, projectors and decision support systems to increase the level of participation and improve the quality of decisions. ...

Happiness at work

Over the last few years I have paid a lot of attention to improving my happiness at work and it’s certainly paid off.  But more interesting has been the impact on my professional activities.  I work mainly in vision and strategy for a large systems integrator, my focus is on...

Lots of ideas for how to use Microsoft Surface

There are lots of blogs reporting on Microsoft’s new Surface product but Michael has a great post where he describes a wide range of collaboration related scenarios that it could support, definitely worth a read.  However I can’t help but think that Surface is a bit like Telepresence, a technology...

Office 2007 migrations in advance of SharePoint

A few customers have recently pointed out to me that they are going to have a significant number of early adopters of Office 2007 in advance of their migration to SharePoint 2007, this will be particularly true where SharePoint is used at an enterprise level.  Previously I had assumed that...

IBM and the Office Client

Standards Blog provides some useful information on the Workplace Office client.  The context is a series of articles looking at various ODF clients of which Workplace Managed Client is one. I’m pleased to see that IBM are now picking up speed in their attempts to engage with their community through...

Great personal productivity concepts here!

Just by chance I came across a vision document for the Chandler open source Personal Information Management (PIM) client application which has a very innovative design and ambitious plans for sharing, extensibility and cross-platform support.  Even if you have no interest in Chandler as a product I recommend you have...

Microsoft Direct Push

Microsoft’s direct push technology for delivering email, calendar and contacts from Exchange 2003 SP2/Exchange 2007 to Windows Mobile 5 devices seems to be pretty simple, functional and elegant, even better it’s being licensed for use with other mobile device operating systems.  For more details this blog is a great place to start.

Offline SharePoint 2007

Watch the Microsoft demos and the offline capabilities of SharePoint look really slick, but dig into the details and you find that it’s not as rosy as you first thought, in fact in some areas, like Excel 2007 integration with SharePoint 2007 it’s actually worse than in the 2003 products. ...