Tagged: preparingforretirement
This post is part of my series on planning for retirement. Although it’s not the best of topics to think through, retirement planning demands that you consider how long you expect to live. At least it does for me as I have a mix of money purchase and defined benefit...
This is the introduction to a series of posts on my strategy for a successful retirement. Over the last few weeks I’ve started to write about my plans for early retirement, with each post that I’ve written I’ve started to develop a better appreciation of how my plan for retirement...
As part of my planning for retirement and perhaps forced retirement (redundancy) I’ve been trying to figure out how much money Debbie and I need to live for the next 20-30 years. When we are in our eighties I think our costs will reduce a little because we will probably...
There are few things in life that are as much fun as creating things and I’m planning to do a lot of creating in retirement. This post provides a rough outline of some of my ideas and I plan to add to and refine it as the big day gets...
As part of my retirement planning I’ve been wondering about how much time to devote to learning and what I want to learn. In the past I’ve never been a big learner, always doing the minimum that I needed to do to move on to the next topic, or to...
I watched a video recently about lifetime extension and the burgeoning science that supports it. I started to do a little reading on the topic trying to understand the people who are seeking to extend their lives and am surprised by how hugely motivated they are by the prospect. I’ve...
Most retirement planners suggest that planning for retirement should start about 5 years before your target retirement date, I’m 4 years away now but forced retirement AKA redundancy is a possibility before then. I need to start planning, and there’s lots to think about. This post sketches out the topics...
Like all good strategists I’m planning for my retirement, which will probably come some time in the next 5 years. Retirement will bring with it the biggest change in my lifestyle since I became chronically ill about 13 years ago. Such a huge change requires careful consideration and one of...
I’m often surprised by the fact that people consider money as if it’s in some way separate from the rest of their lives. I’ve never thought about it that way, for me most things in life can be converted into money which then allows me to prioritise easily. That said...