Daily Archive: March 4, 2004

Why home working?

I called this blog, ‘adventures in home working’.  Why did I choose this title?  Well it sort of sums up a lot of things for me:


1.     I have this disease, AOSD,  and home working is more suited to people with this condition

2.     I am an IT guy, and for a while I have wanted to see how viable it is to work from home

3.     I have 4 children, and I wanted to spend more time with them, and be able to arrange my work life more flexibly

4.     I have always been a person who works better with people I know and interacts with them face to face.  I wanted to get beyond these limitations and extend my circle of friends and contacts

SharePoint RSS and more …

Just came across this great Blog that describes how to really exploit WSS.  One of the interesting points in here is about how to reuse existing WSS functions using for example XSLT, rather than writing custom web parts.

Several useful things, but the one I liked was the web part to present lists and document libraries as RSS feeds.


A good description of WinFS?

I have been looking for a good description of how Longhorn would behave in a client server environment.  The Longhorn evangelists have been posting some scenarios, but they don’t completely work for me because they are not general enough to allow me to easily extend them to my own environment. ...