Exchange Futures
Infoworld talks to David Thompson, a Microsoft corporate vice president who has been in charge of the Exchange Server group since early this year. It maybe just me but I get the distinct impression that the Exchange Group is in a bit of a state. They don’t seem to really know where storage is going because of the flux around Longhorn server, and they don’t seem to know where to take Public Folders and other Document management like capabilities because they are dropping the old store and because of ‘competition’ from SharePoint services. Core email does not have much growth potential in it, so all that seems to be left to work on is Edge Servers! Not a very exiting roadmap!!
Last year I thought that the ‘big thinking’ that must be going on in Microsoft was starting to pay off in terms of well architected products that did not overlap and were being rebuilt from the ground up. Now I am not so sure, I see the delays in the foundation layers, ie SQL Server and Longhorn Server, triggering panic in the Office tools and Collaboration space, who are probably starting to think more short term about customer driven next versions, rather than strategic re-architecting of products.