Simply does it
Adam Bosworth has posted a nice talk on the importance of simplicity:
I gave a talk yesterday at the ICSOC04. It was essentially a reminder to a group of very smart people that their intelligence should be used to accomodate really simple user and programmer models, not to build really complex ones. Since I was preceded by Don Ferguson of IBM and followed the next day by Tim Berners-Lee, it seemed especially wise to stick to simple and basic ideas. Here is the talk
I could not agree more. One of my observations is that simple protocols used to access well defined services lead to explosive innovation. HTML/HTTP, POP, IMAP, RSS etc are all great examples. Hopefully someone will figure out how to achieve the same innovation when things get just tht little bit more complex. For XML/Web Services in general we are not there yet – too complex – and we are still waiting to see the widespread adoption of innovative clients and servers hopefully that’s where tools like the Infopath/Office XML/Longhorn Shell/WinFS, Indigo and Haystack and OOo/XForms etc will come in.
Over the past several months, much has been said of Microsoft’s announcement of unified communications functionality in Exchange 2007. A lot of it is good: a single desktop client (Outlook), integration with Live Communications Server, and message access via a variety of devices, including mobile phones and PDAs.