Monthly Archive: September 2006

Authentication and RSS

RSS has grown up on the public Internet and it seems that authentication will be problematic when it moves into the Intranet.  On Intranets expect to find the following authentication mechanisms: NTLM kerberos Digest Forms based Basic (usually combined with SSL) Only the last of these mechanisms can be assumed...

Salt marshes

Stephie and I went for a long walk this morning beside the salt marshes, just a short walk from our house.  Stephie has just got back from hospital having been in for a couple of nights with concussion, she was still struggling with her balance and not very confident,  by...

After sales service

Having spent a long time as a customer it continues to frustrate me that many companies seem to neglect existing customers, it seems illogical to me: We want existing customers to be repeat customers Existing happy customers are a wonderful sales asset Existing customers are where we prove that we...

Retaining the best

Attracting and retaining best staff is becoming a bigger issue, my experience has always been that leadership, flexibility and freedom are big factors in retention. has a useful article that describes what the next generation are looking for and it seems to be more of the same: 77% of...

The long tail of software

When I work on desktop transformation projects I am continually amazed by the number of applications that we find installed in an enterprise.  It’s not unusual to find several thousand in a medium sized company, most of them used by less than 10 people.  However as Rod Boothby points out...

Context zones

Mike Gotta provides an excellent description of the concept of context zones and how they allow us to deal with information in a way that reflects our needs, or as Mike puts it: the right information, at the right time, in the right context, has been a holy grail for...

SaaS market dynamics

The graphic below provides a summary of the dynamics of the SaaS marketplace.  Naturally since SaaS have a lot of buzz right now everyone wants a bit of the pie and Gianpaolo Carraro provides a great description (and the image) on his blog of the different players and the most...


I went out for a walk on the beach with the kids tonight, they played in the park while I sat in the sand dunes and made some notes for a speech I will be giving next week.  .  When I finished we walked along the promenade and watched this glorious...

Challenging Arthritis

I have recently been reading about Dave Pollard’s very focused attempts at using self experimentation to challenge his Colitis, so I thought it was probably time to provide an update on my progress challenging Arthritis. First off, my form of Arthritis is a rare one, Adult Onset Stills Disease, which...