Monthly Archive: September 2006

I never knew Excel could do that!

Microsoft are right to be concerned about the fact that their customers uses perhaps only 20% of the capabilities of their products and their bold move – to radically change the UI – was definitely needed.  I have found myself making great use of the new formatting capabilities in Excel...

Writely in the real world

Dave Pollard provides a great review of Writely for collaborative editing, it’s especially useful because he includes a sample document that was edited by a group of people with no real familiarity with the tool.  It demonstrates to me that whilst Writely might have a useful role as an embedded web...

A whole new way of presenting

One of my most popular posts was a mind map that attempted to capture the main themes of Daniel Pink’s A Whole New Mind.  Presentation Zen has a great post which applies the themes in the book to presentations and it’s well worth a read.  I particularly liked one of the...

Future of virtualization

Ron Oglesby has written an interesting article on the Brian Madden blog about the future of Virtualization, I highly recommend that you read all the comments as well.  One of the points raised in the comments concerns the over use of the Virtualization word, which I fully agree with,  it...

Documentum – end user experience wins again

Yesterday I wrote a post that touched on my frustration with web based team collaboration spaces, lots of people agree and some even got around to commenting which is not that common on my blog!   My experience is that many people find collaborative spaces difficult because: They require an additional...

OneNote flags

OneNote 2003 already has one of the most comprehensive implementations of “flags” that I have seen in any software,  and it’s getting even better in OneNote 2007, this post gives some details.  It’s worth reading for three reasons: If you use OnNote you can learn a lot If you are...

Peer review in the Microsoft Open Source labs

Microsoft needs to work extra hard to win over members of the Open Source community and their Open Source Software Lab is at the forefront of that work.  One of their recent proposals is to effectively open up their entire research plan to peer review to make sure that they...

Email as a collaboration tool

Despite having access to a wide variety of collaboration tools, email and IM continue to be the tools I use most often,  in particular I struggle to use collaborative workspaces efficiently.  Why do I keep using email? It works great offline I can keep an offline replica on all of...

Should schools ban homework?

I have read a few posts recently – this is the best one – on the subject of banning homework.  I am personally in favour for two reasons: I think it switches many kids off school Most of the creative project work kids do ends up being at home on...

SharePoint 2007 – middleware for the masses

I have been playing around with SharePoint 2007 for a while now and I think I am most impressed by the power that it puts into the hands of IT savvy end users, to create line of business solutions and to enhance these solutions further by integration with Office 2007.  ...