Twitter Updates for 2007-12-10

  • Bad nights sleep again, just draggesd myself out of bed. Off for a walk after I check email #
  • Meeting Rikki for breakfast #
  • Working with Mark and Len on Mobility 2010 #
  • Watching Jon Udels screencast on FeedSync while having lunch #
  • More work on the wiki – will it ever end! #
  • Attending a briefing on RES Software, windows management suite with lots of other CSC staff #
  • Watching the kids swimming – Gold personal survival today #
  • Tessa and Anna both passed their Gold personal survival! #
  • Wrote up RES PowerFuse presentation and desktop environment management on wiki #
  • Good chat with Doug about Digital Trust work and how we take it forward #
  • Reading feeds in front of the TV, watching Spooks #

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Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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