Twitter Updates for 2008-01-16

  • Off for a quick walk after a good nights sleep and relaxed with an empty inbox #
  • At the Cafe nero now notionally reading my feeds but explicitly relaxing and enjoying some cake #
  • Just leaving for Chorley now to meet with Charlie and Stu #
  • Meeting cancelled so able to head home earlier than expected #
  • Pleased that I didn’t get a parking ticket for parking on the grass at Chorley #
  • Just managed to get home, on my way to Chorley my arm and knee were bad, but on the way home it was a struggle to drive with the pain #
  • Just finishing off a presentation on eProductivity with Stu #
  • not too well, luckily I managed to pick Stephie up from TaeKwonDo – now going to crash – Flying down to Farnborough tomorrow #

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Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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