Monthly Archive: January 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-14

Caught up with email and trivial tasks for the day. It’s raining so I decided to play wii sports, 5 games of tennis and Fitness – age 38 # Reading my feeds at home today, with a punnet of cherries and wifi. The beach isn’t that enticing on a grey...

Should my Daughter study economics?

My eldest daughter – 15 years old – is doing some long range career planning and she’s been really struggling to find something she really likes.  It’s not that she doesn’t enjoy school – she likes most subjects, and is predicted to get a good crop of A and A*’s.  Her...

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-13

Stayed up late in the hope I will sleep tonight. Enjoyed "I am legend" pretty interesting and great sets, lots to talk about to Stephie # Just approved a comment on the blog from another AOSD sufferer, I’ve learnt more from blog contacts about it than I have from my...

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-12

Woke up at 9:30 managed about 5 hours sleep out of 11, just finished sorting out the house and now taking the twins out for breakfast # Jen has joined us now and we are at the pier amusements crashing motor bikes and playing air hockey # On the flight...

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-11

Talking to Dave Snape about SoftGrid # This is such a cool podcast especially the bit about virtual reality # Just woken up after a 20 hour day yesterday 🙁 # off for a walk with Debbie # Debbie was bitten by a dog, bruised but skin not too...

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-10

On the flight to Farnborough, spent the morning talking to Ged # Walking from Farnborough to RP after a bumpy flight and an aborted landing. Calming down and listening to podcasts # Talking to Lewis about too loads of stuff # Long chat with Steve Morgan. Steve Langford joined in...

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-09

Blog written, emails done, been for a walk, scheduled meetings. # Now gorging on chocolate cake at cafe nero and reading feeds # A short walk now and then off to Chorley to meet with Stu and probably Charlie at 11:00 # Just back from Chorley and good meeting with...

25 placed to work

As part of HP’s happiness at work initiative they have listed 25 new places to work.  I’ve repeated the list (minus a few of the less relevant ones like the Eiffel Tower!) below with my comments in blue: The garden. There’s nothing like an English summer. And even if the...

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-08

I suppose there’s one good thing about being up half the night in too much pain to sleep, I have time to write some blog posts! # Forced myself out of bed # Discussing lab strategy with Rob, lots of potential # Very impressed with Dragon Naturally Speaking, almost 100%...

A perfect day

Dave Pollard gives us his idea of how one might aspire to spend the day: So, for example, a 24-hour day might be allocated to the following important activities: 9 hours a day for sleeping and personal hygiene 2 hours a day for physical exercise — running, meditation, working out,...

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