Monthly Archive: January 2008
Caught up with email and trivial tasks for the day. It’s raining so I decided to play wii sports, 5 games of tennis and Fitness – age 38 # Reading my feeds at home today, with a punnet of cherries and wifi. The beach isn’t that enticing on a grey...
My eldest daughter – 15 years old – is doing some long range career planning and she’s been really struggling to find something she really likes. It’s not that she doesn’t enjoy school – she likes most subjects, and is predicted to get a good crop of A and A*’s. Her...
Stayed up late in the hope I will sleep tonight. Enjoyed "I am legend" pretty interesting and great sets, lots to talk about to Stephie # Just approved a comment on the blog from another AOSD sufferer, I’ve learnt more from blog contacts about it than I have from my...
Woke up at 9:30 managed about 5 hours sleep out of 11, just finished sorting out the house and now taking the twins out for breakfast # Jen has joined us now and we are at the pier amusements crashing motor bikes and playing air hockey # On the flight...
Talking to Dave Snape about SoftGrid # This is such a cool podcast especially the bit about virtual reality # Just woken up after a 20 hour day yesterday
# off for a walk with Debbie # Debbie was bitten by a dog, bruised but skin not too...
On the flight to Farnborough, spent the morning talking to Ged # Walking from Farnborough to RP after a bumpy flight and an aborted landing. Calming down and listening to podcasts # Talking to Lewis about too loads of stuff # Long chat with Steve Morgan. Steve Langford joined in...
Blog written, emails done, been for a walk, scheduled meetings. # Now gorging on chocolate cake at cafe nero and reading feeds # A short walk now and then off to Chorley to meet with Stu and probably Charlie at 11:00 # Just back from Chorley and good meeting with...
As part of HP’s happiness at work initiative they have listed 25 new places to work. I’ve repeated the list (minus a few of the less relevant ones like the Eiffel Tower!) below with my comments in blue: The garden. There’s nothing like an English summer. And even if the...
I suppose there’s one good thing about being up half the night in too much pain to sleep, I have time to write some blog posts! # Forced myself out of bed # Discussing lab strategy with Rob, lots of potential # Very impressed with Dragon Naturally Speaking, almost 100%...
Dave Pollard gives us his idea of how one might aspire to spend the day: So, for example, a 24-hour day might be allocated to the following important activities: 9 hours a day for sleeping and personal hygiene 2 hours a day for physical exercise — running, meditation, working out,...