Never too old for Disney

2014-02-01 12.19.12-2Amazingly we had sunshine this morning and I woke nice and early, so early in fact that Debbie was still in bed which is a rare treat.  When I wake early the only cafe open is Caffe Nero so I headed there for an hours reading and then went for a walk through the Dunes, which provides a good but gentle workout.

Our plan for today was to drive up the coast to Cleveleys, take a walk along the prom, go to Cafe Cove for brunch and then the Cinema, but the prom was closed and that meant that Cafe Cove was closed too as there’s no other way to access it and the waves were crashing against the windows which would have made it a rather exiting/nerve racking experience depending on your temperament.  Instead we went to Vincent’s Cafe which is quite a contrast, but the food is good and the staff are friendly even if the views not up to much.

I’m now 72 days into my resolution not to buy anything for myself (except food and experiences) as I’ve concluded that I have everything I need so there’s not much prospect for shopping but we did pop into a couple of shops before getting back to the prom for some serious wave watching and I had to be dragged away from the spectacle to get to the Cinema in time, it truly was breathtaking.

It turns out that we were in for a spectacle of another kind though watching the new Disney movie Frozen which was fantastic.  I’ve always been a sucker for Disney musicals, but this was something else, non stop action, comedy, great sing-along songs and magical effects.  I’m not ashamed to say I loved it, just wish I still had little kids to take a long and watch open-mouthed.

By the time it finished it was pouring with rain again, although I’m hopeful (not sure why) that February will be better than January, maybe because I’m on holiday next week and I’m hoping for at least 2 decent walks in the Lakes.



Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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