Monthly Archive: October 2015

Catching Up

One of the downsides to going away is all the catching up there is to do.  Debbie and the girls made a special effort to minimise this for me this time, but there was still plenty to do.  After writing a blog post about my megabus experience at Caffe Nero...

Without A Care In The World

It was quite a shock today to be walking and cycling without a care in the world.  When I cycled to the Beach Terrace Cafe I was the only bike on the road and when I walked along the prom and beach I didn’t need to think about bikes or...

The Trip Home

I left Amsterdam at 9pm yesterday and caught the megabus home.  The first part of the strip was ok, I watched a bit of TV and enjoyed the views of the Netherlands at night and then fell asleep until we reached the ferry terminal, at which point we were all...

Tourist For A Day

I’m not really that keen on going to see a lot of tourist sites, but Steph had kindly done the hard work for me and picked to locations she thought I would enjoy, so I set off nice and early to walk into Amsterdam for the day.  I’d decided to...

Some Peace And Quiet

Yesterday Steph and I spent a lot of time in the city, we chose a river walk because it was quieter, but even then Amsterdam is a hectic city.  Walking around you need to be constantly on your guard, fully aware of the cars and bikes that surround you in...