Monthly Archive: October 2015
One of the downsides to going away is all the catching up there is to do. Debbie and the girls made a special effort to minimise this for me this time, but there was still plenty to do. After writing a blog post about my megabus experience at Caffe Nero...
Although megabus provides an FAQ there don’t seem to be many guides to what travelling on the megabus is actually like, how to prepare for it and get the best from it. Last week I travelled from Preston to Amsterdam via London, starting on a busy Sunday night/Monday morning and...
It was quite a shock today to be walking and cycling without a care in the world. When I cycled to the Beach Terrace Cafe I was the only bike on the road and when I walked along the prom and beach I didn’t need to think about bikes or...
I left Amsterdam at 9pm yesterday and caught the megabus home. The first part of the strip was ok, I watched a bit of TV and enjoyed the views of the Netherlands at night and then fell asleep until we reached the ferry terminal, at which point we were all...
I’m not really that keen on going to see a lot of tourist sites, but Steph had kindly done the hard work for me and picked to locations she thought I would enjoy, so I set off nice and early to walk into Amsterdam for the day. I’d decided to...
Yesterday Steph and I spent a lot of time in the city, we chose a river walk because it was quieter, but even then Amsterdam is a hectic city. Walking around you need to be constantly on your guard, fully aware of the cars and bikes that surround you in...