Resting And Preparing For DIY

2015-02-01 10.45.03-1

Yesterday was hard work so I decided to rest a bit today, which was lucky as I’d forgotten that I’d got a blood test this morning.  The focus for the day has been preparing for laying the floor tomorrow and then setting up Debbie’s office.

I had another bad nights sleep, waking in the middle of the night again.  Tonight I’ve decided to stay up later to see if this helps me sleep through. I went straight to Caffe Nero and did my good deed for the day; there’s an old lady who’s a regular and she somehow managed to make it to the cafe through the gales, I rescued her and brought her inside but she was upset that she wasn’t able to make it to the newsagents to get her paper, so I popped around and bought one for her.  I was expecting to have to take her home, but fortunately a couple came to collect her. 

I then attempted a beach walk, but it was too windy, so I did a few circuits of the park instead and then had my blood test and scheduled my ears to be syringed next time.  Then I headed home via the shops, did my chores, watched a TED talk, had lunch and had a nap.  Then I helped Jennie and Jon clear out the room, treated some vestigial mould, made the fruit salads up for supper, read my book Why does E=mc2 and researched Thom’s first choice uni and course, Kings College – English and Film Studies.

Debbie and I then went out for dinner and I walked home via Sainsbury’s.

Tonight we are watching Galavant and Elementary.

The photo is from this day, last year!

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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