July Allotment Tour (Jennie’s Plot)

2017-07-05 13.03.24

Well it’s been just over a month since the last tour and Jennie’s plot is really starting to take shape.  This plot is mostly the source of the family’s autumn/winter evening meals: beans from the freezer, potatoes from the hessian sacks, squashes & onions from the wire racks and winter brassica’s fresh from the plot.  We don’t protect the crops though so our spinach, chard, beets and carrots will come my plot. 

My plot can be thought of as the source for lunchtime salads, with all manner of salad leaves, radishes and spring onions mostly in cold frames.  That said there’s lots that doesn’t fit these easy labels, Jennie has lots of apple trees and autumn raspberries as well as courgettes, globe artichokes and summer brassicas and beans too.

Although Jennie’s plot was planted late most things have caught up fine and I’m just about keeping on top of the weeds and the endless mowing, those grass paths look nice, but the bark paths on my plot are much easier to maintain!!  Don’t even get me started on the hedges 🙁

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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