What I’m Sowing And Growing In April

March is my busiest sowing month, so it’s quite a relief to get to April.  I have dozens of seed trays full of healthy plants now and many of the February and early March sowings are in the ground.  The main challenge has been the onions, I’ve had a couple of bad batches of seeds and I’ve had to re-sow, fortunately with good results!

A lot of my sowing decisions are driven by having enough space to germinate and pot on seeds/seedlings and as we start April that’s definitely the case.  The little greenhouse and seedling bench in the polytunnel are full as are all of the window sills.  Within two weeks though a lot of space will have been cleared and I will be well on with the April sowings.

In this video I show you the progress of my February and March sowings which are doing very well.  The peppers are all doing well, the early tomatoes seem to have been worth the effort and the main tomato sowing destined for the polytunnel has all germinated well.  The early courgettes and cucumbers are planted or potted too.  The early brassicas are in the ground and succession sowings are growing strong.

In the video I also spend a few minutes on the computer to show you the databases that I’m using to capture all of my knowledge about the 250+ varieties of fruit and veg that I grow and also the details of what I’m sowing.

Before we get to the video though you might like to cheack out my latest tour, which shows everything that’s growing.


You might also like to see some of my March harvest highlights you can check out the following video:


So finally we get to the video for April sowing and growing.

This video shows several databases that I’m using to manage my allotment this year.If you would like to find out more about these databases please take a look at the following video, and it’s associated description:


If you want to get a copy of the tools that I demonstrate in this video please click on this link and create an account.  Once you have an account then click on this link to browse all of my databases, if you want, you can take a copy of the databases to use for yourself.

If you want to download any of the following views to a spreadsheet you can clock ‘download CSV’ to get your own private copy, or use the web based database I’m using by watching the video above.

When looking at these databases please bear in mind that they are live views onto rapidly evolving data. The content and design is being constantly improved. If you want to look at snapshots and/or take your own copies, please look at the video above and it’s associated description.

Here’s a complete read-only view of the sowing log and varieities database with all of my data:

Here’s a read-only view of everything that I sowed in March:

Here’s a view of everything I’m planning to sow in April:

For completeness here’s a view of my sowing database with all the details!

Watch out for the next video showing what I’m sowing in May!

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

2 Responses

  1. Sally says:

    Steve, I am so enjoying playing with your lovely creations in Airtable, thank you very much for sharing so generously! Wonder if I’ll ever get any actual gardening done now….. :/

  2. I know what you mean Sally, I did the first version in Winter and it provided plenty of fun on the darkest of days. I’m saving up work on the new vastly improved version for next winter! : All the best – Steve

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