Tagged: monthlysowingguide
After a wet August and September October has been a pleasant surprise. We’ve still had plenty of rain, but it’s been balanced by a reasonable amount of sunshine and I’ve certainly enjoyed plenty of time away from the allotments. The plants have enjoyed the weather too and everything is now...
How much time have I spent on the allotments? Lots of time on the allotment this week as I cleared and replanted the whole of the polytunnel and quite a few cold-frame beds as well, we also did a good harvest, Debbie rehung her shed door and I put new...
October, like September, has been a challenging month in the garden. High winds, lots of rain and not much sun. I even had to put cold-frame lids over new plantings of lettuce to protect them from the gales and hail! It looks like everything has pulled through though, the squash...
How much time have I spent on the allotments? There’s actually a fair bit of work to do on the allotments at the moment as I clear summer planting and replace it with winter veggies, so I’ve done 4 half days there this week and done a lot of tidying...
August, like July, has been a challenging month in the garden. High winds, lots of rain and not much sun. I even had to put cold-frame lids over new plantings of lettuce to protect them from the gales and hail! It looks like everything has pulled through though, the squash...
If you received this via email click here to get all of the images and videos! How much time have I spent on the allotments? The total for this week is: 18 hours, which is very high because we have been preparing for Open Day and because I spent 8...
July has probably topped June in the crazy month awards, with a few days colder than February and then blazing hot a few days later followed by gales and heavy rain. The beans have suffered the most, only just starting to climb. The squash and brassicas (that survived cabbage root...
June has been a crazy month, with a few days colder than February and then blazing hot a fews days later followed by gales and heavy rain. The beans have suffered the most, hardly climbing at all. Hopefully July will get things growing again, there’s not much I can do...
If you received this via email click here to get all of the images and videos! Allotment Finances We’ve harvested a total of £3,210, smashing all previous records for spring! Harvesting this much gives me immense freedom to spend money to save time and increase food quality and variety, without...
May has been a much more relaxed month than April, sowing just a few seeds and a leisurely planting schedule. Almost all of the summer planting is complete now, with about half of the autumn/winter brassica’s in too. The focus now switches to preparing for an abundant winter and spring,...