Tagged: monthlysowingguide

Allotment Diary (May – Week 1)

Allotment Finances We’ve harvested a total of £2408 of fruit and veg this year. We’ve spent a total of £672 this year, mostly one time investments.  This week we spent almost as much as we harvested! What we’ve harvested and eaten We harvested a total of £193 worth of veg...

Allotment Diary (March- week 1)

Allotment Finances We’ve harvested a total of £667 of fruit veg this year We’ve spent a total of £385 this year, mostly one time investments What we’ve harvested and eaten We harvested a total of £135 worth of veg this week, excluding everything from the store. We had 33 meals...

Allotment Diary (February – week 4)

Allotment Finances We’ve harvested a total of £560 of fruit veg this year We’ve spent a total of £312 this year, mostly one time investments What we’ve harvested and eaten We harvested a total of £80 worth of veg this week, excluding everything from the store. We had 30 meals...

Allotment Diary (January week 1) @AllotmentDiary

What We’ve harvested and eaten We harvested a ‘grand’ total of £52 worth of veg this week, excluding anything from the store.  We had 19 meals with ingredients from the allotment.   It’s been a good harvest week, the plots have recovered from being picked hard for the big Christmas...