Tagged: Productivity

Getting Projects Completed!

I try to focus on competing a few big things a week as I explained in this post.  However partly because completion if difficult to define in my world and party because I have a lot of distractions completion doesn’t come easy.  Scott provides a much needed critique of systems...

Oh My! Long walks here I come!

I just found out that the audios (and videos) of my favourite conference – POP!TECH – have all been published! The dialogue will cover a wide range of topics, from new ways of measuring humanity’s global impact and the promise of bottom-up solutions to global poverty, to the future of...

Social collaboration

Chuck (from EMC) has a nice post on their behind the firewall experiments with social collaboration, and I particularly liked this quote: One of the ways people can work together is around a document.  People contribute, edit, revise, approve and distribute documents, reports, and so on. Sure, people are interacting,...

In praise of slow

Mark Greiner (Senior Vice-President and leader of Steelcase’s WorkSpace Futures team) has a very interesting blog on a very neglected subject, at least in my view as  I’m a big believer in workspace design and have posted often on the subject.  I was pleased to see Mark discover the book...

How do I do this in Lotus Notes?

I quite like Lotus Notes, sort of grown accustomed to it over the years, but it’s handling of tasks really frustrates me.  This is what I want: Most of my tasks come in via email When an email arrives that I want to turn into a task I want to...

Work less – achieve more

For most of my working life I have really enjoyed my work and put in a lot of hours,  but my recent illness has resulted in me working probably an average of 6 hours a day over the last 3 years and it’s resulted in a significant shift in my...

OCS and Communicator 2007 vs. Windows Live Messenger?

I’m not a Office communicator user and have often wondered why Microsoft bothered with multiple products in this space.  That was until I read this post,  which described the main reasons that Office communicator is better than WLM.  The level of differentiation really surprised me and it’s had quite an...

Successful collaboration

(updated to add missing link later on in the post) Stu has an interesting post on effective collaboration,  I think his arrows pointing in the right direction, but I don’t think its the whole story.  In Stu’s model we need to have a willing person, a willing team, the right culture...


Jing is a great example of collaboration done right, quick and easy to use, with just a couple of clicks I am able to create a screencast  and share it on my blog via screencast.com. Here’s a sample screen cast I created with Jing. Definately worth checking out the demo,...

Yet more on multiple monitors

Just when I thought it would be impossible for me to write any more on the benefits of multiple monitors along came another twist – the debate between one big one and several small ones! Lets be clear for the type of work I do more is better, here’s why:...