Monthly Archive: August 2004

I need help.

This is a posting that I made to the GTD discussion forum.


I am about to start a small research project into personal productivity,  I am going to be looking at the following main areas:


  • Personal knowledge management

  • Time, task and action management

  • Communication and collaboration

  • Team working

  • Subscription and research

As you can see these are quite relevant to exponents of the GTD methodology, and so I need your help.


First I wanted to explain a little about my personal experience with GTD and history in using similar techniques.


“I love to be organised”


I am one of those people who likes a clear desk, who like kids to have tidy bedrooms, who likes to be in control.  I invest a lot in my IT, and a lot of my time in researching how to be organised.   I can also invest a lot of time in establishing a new system.  But once that new system is established, I find it hard to keep going.  Here are some of the reasons why:


  1. I only tend to be motivated to create my list of, “everything that needs to …

Spy Kids

Spy Kids. 

On our walk today we were playing Spy’s.  The kids used my Pocket PC to get instructions from Spy Central, and the camera to spot losts kids, (who glowed green), and other enermy spys, (who glowed red).  There were several model planes flying on the beach and they ‘radioed’ the owners to get them to take out the spies and rescure the kids.  They spent the rest of the day playing spys up in the twins bedroom, we are just off to go scooting on the promenade on their ‘hover scooters’.

Beach Walk.

Tessa, Anna, Jenny and me went on a long walk today.  The weather was glorious so we trekked to Fairhaven Lake, the kids had an Ice Cream, (I am on a dairy free diet), and then we walked back along the beach.  I bought a very cheap low resolution camera...

Nic asked for some more details on my early history of Stills.

There is a great message board available for people who suffer from Still’s.  Nic responded to one of my articles asking for more info on my early history.  Here is my answer:

It just started out of the blue.  I was in London at a conference, I started with a sore throat in the morning, by lunch time my legs were hurting, I managed to walk to the train in the evening, but could not get off the train by 10:00.  The doctors had no idea, and just gave me anti-histamines for a week, but they had no effect, after a couple of weeks I was mobile again, although it took 6 weeks for symptoms to really damp down.  After which I was essentially symptom free for 18 months.  I had a few aches and pains but I did not really relate these to the Stills flare. 

When I had my second flare it too was triggered by a sore throat, again it was not diagnosed, but this time died down after about 2-3 weeks without medication.

My third flare was about 12 months after and was also triggered by a sore throat.  I managed to get into hospital this …

The Blogging Workflow

The blogging workflow. 

This is a very very nice summary of how blogs work by Roland Tanglao at Streamline, it complements my comments because it provides more details of some of the server side infrastructure:

1. Joe Blogger writes something and publishes it to his blog.

2. Joe’s Blog system updates his site’s HTML, updates his RSS file and sends a ‘ping’ message to the ‘Aggregation Ping Server’ indicating that his site has updated.

3. Search engines like Google and RSS specific services like Feedster, Technorati and PubSub periodically ask the Aggregation Ping Server, “Which sites have updated?”.

4. Since Joe’s site sends pings and has an RSS file and is easy to update frequently, Joe’s search engine rank is higher than a ‘normal site’.

5. Techie Teresa uses a program called an RSS reader to subscribe to Joe’s site. The RSS reader checks Joe’s RSS file for updates periodically (usually once/hour or once per day) and notifies her of Joe’s updates. Teresa no longer wastes time manually surfing Joe’s site. She just checks her RSS reader.

6. As a result, Teresa’s information flow is more efficient and she can monitor more sites in less time.

7. Joe Surfer (who …

Understanding Microsoft

A lot has been written about the history of Microsoft.  This article reviews a new book that looks at Microsoft from the perspective of the changes that it has had to introduce and continues to push forward as a result of its legal difficulties and “evil empire” image.  The full article is worth reading but here are a few of the more interesting quotes:

“They need to get the outside world to learn to accept them without thinking that there’s something shady going on there all the time. That’s a very long-term process,” he said. “There’s an awful lot of cynicism out there. No matter what Microsoft tries to do, nobody’s going to turn around overnight and say, ‘Well, we accept them now as good neighbors.’ “

One of the best insights:

In simple terms, some of Microsoft’s critics might characterize the ongoing changes as an effort to shift the outside perception of the company from “evil” to “good.” But Slater said he doesn’t see it that way.

“I don’t think they were ever evil,” he said. “I think they were unable, or unwilling, to curb the zeal that was always part of the Microsoft culture.” He said the company …

The power of the blog.

The Radicati group recently published a report titled

“IBM Lotus & Microsoft–Corporate Messaging Market Analysis” (June 2004), available at

Its a truly awful report, as many people have commented.  It breaks all normal reporting rules:

  1. It does not compare like with like

  2. It commends Microsoft for the same things it criticises Lotus for

  3. It does not provide its sources

  4. It uses emotive language to commend Microsoft and Criticise lotus

I actually looked forward to reading it when I first heard it had come out because I had some concerns over Lotus Workplace and how Lotus Notes/Domino would transition to the new architecture.  However the report was so biased I ended up feeling much more positive about Lotus than I had before.  The basis for my change of view “IBM must be on to something with Workplace if such bad analysis is the only tool available to make Microsoft look good”.  I was also left even more uncertain over what Microsoft is up to with Exchange, as I have already blogged on here and here.

The last straw for me in this report was the criticism of IBM/Lotus over migration to Workplace and the commendation of Microsoft on …

Maybe this is what I need!.

I just posted about the tough decsion I had to make choosing between an IPAQ and a Blackberry.  Maybe I should have waited for one of these!

Drama School – Richard III.

Stephie was at drama school last week.  They did Richard III.  I thought it might be a bit dry, (not being big Shakespeare fan), especially after Blood Brothers the week before, but it was great.  The adaptation was loosely based around James Bond and Gold Finger.  They used the movie...