Social networking

Microsoft research have published the presentations from their Social Computing Symposium 2005, here is a taster,

Speaker Session: Social Metadata and Tagging
David Weinberger: From Trees to Tags (presentation)
Matt MacLaurin: Tesla, Tagging for the DeskTop (presentation)

Speaker Session: Global Social
Anne Kirah: When culture meets technology and when technology meets culture (presentation)
Genevieve Bell: Global Social

Speakers: From the Labs
Shelly Farnham and Marc Smith (presentation)
Intel: Ken Anderson and Eric Paulous (presentation)
IBM: Wendy Kellogg (presentation)

Amy Bruckman: What is “Community” Anyway? Cognitive Science Helps Provide an Answer (presentation)
Paul Resneck: Bonds and Identity: Navigating the Tension Between Attachment to Topic and Attachment to People in Online Conversation Spaces
Randy Farmer: Thirty Years of Social Computing: Are we finally ready to scale? (presentation)
David McDonald: Community Through Pictures (presentation)
Fernanda Vi