Messing around with Twitter and Facebook

456550_10151545993585828_904255584_oI’ve been messing around with Twitter and Facebook today.  I like to share what I read and write, but I don’t like that information cluttering up my main Twitter account that I use for my diary.  I’ve concluded that I need to have three Twitter accounts:

@SteveRichards – this is my main Twitter account, it’s mainly a diary, but it’s also the account that I use to connect to friends, family and news.  This is the account that I look at every day.  This account is protected.

@SteveIsReading – I use this account to publish books and articles that I read.  For example if I ‘like’ an article on Instapaper a link to it gets posted here. This account isn’t protected and I don’t follow people from it or actively track comments.

@SteveIsWriting – I use this account to publish links to the blog posts that I write at, like this post. Articles get posted automatically by the Word Press Jet Pack. This account isn’t protected and I don’t follow people from it or actively track comments.

@SteveRecommends – I use this account to highlight particular posts that are particularly worthy of attention, it’s a small subset of  @steveisreading

Not everyone uses Twitter though, so all of these accounts now have equivalents on Facebook has anything that gets posted to @steverichards with the hashtag #fb thanks to IFTTT. has everything that gets posted to @steveisreading I’ve set the privacy for the timeline to PUBLIC, but it doesn’t seem to be working has everything that gets posted to @steveiswriting

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

1 Response

  1. September 17, 2014

    […] This article is an expanded update to the post Messing Around With Facebook and Twitter […]

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