Garden Work

2015-09-05 08.40.53

Phew, after days of fog the sun came out this afternoon and dried the, over long, grass enough for me to get it cut.  It’s always a challenge with a push mower trying to keep on top of mowing, too long and the mower just jams up, too short and it doesn’t cut at all; anyway it’s done now and looking quite fine, a lovely green carpet.  My shoulder was also sufficiently recovered to lift the big ladder up and so I re-sealed the joints in my leaking gutter, the forecasted rain over the next few days should give it a good test.  I then composted the runner beans and packed the frames away for next year. Finally I raked up a LOT of leaves and half filled my new compost bin.  Amazingly these few jobs took nearly two hours to complete and since I started at 2pm that just gave me enough time to do the cleaning and prepare the food in time for dinner.

The morning was much more relaxed, I headed out to Caffe Nero in St Annes as usual, I’m having milk there now, since I’m not drinking anything from cans or bottles, and it’s the cheapest drink they sell.  Even better though they usually give it to me for free as a reward for setting out the chairs and tables for them, which I gladly do for free of course.  Paul met me at 9:30 and we walked around the golf course to Fairhaven Lake Cafe, had breakfast there and then walked along the beach into town.  I left him at Costa Coffee and made my way home for lunch, which was accompanied by Stargate SG1.

My first orchestrated evening meal went very nicely, Debbie and I sat down with Jennie and Jon, Anna and Thom and we had a good laugh and discussion about the events of the day.  I dashed off for a swim and some shopping and then Debbie and I watched the last two episodes of season 1 of Sleepy Hollow, fantastic stuff.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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