Making My Own Food

2015-11-27 09.26.37

I’m gradually extending the range of foods that I make myself, getting closer to the raw ingredients and more in control of the quality of the meals that we eat.  I’m also lowering the cost of the meals and I hope everyone is enjoying them as much, or better than they used to.  That’s not to say that I’m doing a better job than Debbie did, quite the opposite, it’s remarkable how she managed to work and feed us at the same time, it’s just that I’m trading my time for convenience, and that extra time allows me to increase the quality, without increasing the cost and reduce the waste as a side effect.

I slept really well last night, a full eight hours, to fit that in I had to go to sleep before Debbie did, but it worked ok.  As a result I’ve had more energy and I’ve needed it.  I went to Caffe Nero as usual, left early so I could get a long walk in before the rain.  I really enjoyed the walk too, heading out through the north dunes and then out to sea and back south to the Beach Terrace Cafe (but not into it) then back up the prom and into town to do a ‘top up shop’ before finally arriving home close to lunch time.

As it was threatening rain I’d scheduled today for housework, three loads of washing, two loads of washing up, cleaning all the hard floors and vacuuming the rest, tidying and cleaning Tessa’s room.  I also made up a large batch of my own blend lamb and liver burgers (not my favourite job) and made Debbie a stir fry, omelette with cheese for dinner.  I took the opportunity to give the house a good airing and de-iced the freezer, which was a horrible job.  Finally I spent an hour helping Steph setup her wireless network in Amsterdam (I failed).  Helping Steph caused quite the hiccup in my afternoon schedule, making everything far too hectic, but in the end I survived.   In a brief dry spell I popped out and raked the lawn to get rid of the worm casts, which is a messy job during the winter, but pays dividends come spring.

Debbie’s just arrived back from a meeting at church and Tessa’s just arrived back from a training session at work, she’s been complaining to me how messy her room is and that she’s too tired to clean it, so she’s going to be pleased when she see’s it all spic and span in a few minutes.

I’m tired now though and looking forward to some TV time, maybe an episode of Castle and Home By The Sea.  I’m also really getting into my current fiction book The Dark Forrest, which like the previous book in the trilogy has taken a while to get going, but going it is now!

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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