Domestic Bliss

2015-12-09 09.44.01

I’ve had a very activity filled day today as I’ve moved endlessly from one activity to another and it’s been great.  This kind of ‘pottering’ is one of the great joy’s of retirement and something that I never expected.  By not using the car to get from one activity to another I’ve also got plenty of gentle exercise and loads of healthy food to eat.  This week I’ve restarted my smoothie regime and I must say that I feel dramatically better as a result, much stronger, less pain, sharper brain and happier, I’m not sure it’s the smoothie’s but it’s quite a coincidence if it isn’t.

My day started at 6:50am after another good nights sleep and after sorting out the cats I walked along the prom to Caffe Nero.  The prom route into town is longer, but it’s remarkably better for me, I feel so much better having enjoyed the wide open views and fresh air and the longer walk.  The timing’s not right for sunrises at the moment, but they would make it even better.  Waking at 6:50 though doesn’t give me any slack in my morning routine, so I will be getting up earlier from now on so I have no excuse for skipping this wonderful experience.

I put the tables out and enjoyed my milk and did my digital chores and usual.  Unfortunately Paul pinged me at about 9am so say he wasn’t able to make our walk as he’d had a water leek and a ceiling cave-in in his wash room, not a huge hole, but a big mess.  Paul’s misfortune meant that I left earlier than planned and got to enjoy some wonderful winter views.

Back home I got stuck into the chores, I did a big clean of Anna’s room, cut both the lawns, cleaned the bathroom and toilets, vacuumed, and popped to the shop, fed the worms and lots of other little jobs.  I then walked to Clifton Hospital to have the allergy test patches removed, which was a little painful, but there was no evidence of reactions to the substances they tested.  I still have to go back on Friday to see the doctor and need to continue to keep my back dry.  Back home I did two loads of clothes washing, the washing up and a few more odd jobs and walked into town to finish the shopping.

Tessa was waitressing breakfast at the Dalmeney Hotel today for the first time and probably the last.  She arrived looking very weary at about 10am and went straight to bed, apparently there were over a hundred people booked in for breakfast and only two people serving, not good.  She’s back at work now after having a sleep, some pain killers and a big slide of my cheese cake to keep her going.  Anna’s just arrived and is begging for money for her portfolio, which means a lot of glossy photos and mounting boards, she’s not looking as tired as she was yesterday and hopefully a tidy room will make her life a little less stressful.

Debbie and are are finally going out for dinner at Toby’s, I had to cancel yesterday because of the migraine, but I’m pretty good now!

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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