Rivington Adventures

2016-02-01 12.27.39

It was an exhausting day today, in and around Rivington.  I pushed myself hard doing all of my body weight exercises out in the wilds, scrambling off track and doing some really physical exploring.  It was great fun, but not something I’d want to do regularly.

The day started lazily, as Tess decided she was too ill for college, so I had no deadline to force me out of bed.  This was good as I had another disturbed night, the problem is that I keep waking up after a few hours and then with Debbie’s ‘active sleep’ going on next to me it’s hard to get off to sleep again.  I came down stairs and watched TV and then after perhaps another 45 minutes I finally got off to sleep again.  When I did finally surface, at gone eight, I had some hungry cats to feed and a little cleaning up to do before heading off to Rivington.  Unfortunately the M55 was closed due to an accident so I waited patiently for about half an hour at Kirkham.  The good news was that by the time I did finally arrive in Rivington the rain had cleared, I parked up at the viewpoint, which allowed me to skip the muddiest part of the walk and then headed to The Barn for breakfast. The refurbishments are now finished, the biggest change seems to be that the gift shop has now gone, providing more, much needed, space for tables.

I then decided to walk up to the Pike, it was blowing a gale, but warm enough to walk in just a T-Shirt, strangely I seemed to be the only one to think so though, as everyone else was thoroughly wrapped up, It was such a joy to be unencumbered by fleece and coat.  By the time I arrived at the Pike the wind was gusting something fierce, but I was still nice and comfortable, exercise really is the best way to keep warm!  The walk down proved quite a challenge though as I was forced off path by the terrible state they were left in by the weather.  In hind sight I would have been better to just wade through the mud, I live and learn, but I had more fun.  I popped into the barn again for a flap jack and then walked back to the car.

On my way home I went to B&Q to collect the laminate flooring for Debbie’s new office, when I left the wind blew the underlay up into my face, and smashed the edging into multiple pieces before flying off.

I eventually arrived home feeling weary and a little beaten up and snuggled up for a nap.  Grace decided to tunnel under the blanket with me and then Mu decided to attack grace, but eventually everything settled down and I got some much needed sleep.  Anna arrived to tell me that she’d been picked for an early-bird interview for LCF, which apparently is good news, she’s certainly excited, in quite the conincidence she’s also happy to discover that Thom also needs to go down to London on the same day.

I then made up the bread mix for tonight’s Pizza and while it was rising walked to Sainsbury’s to buy the toppings.  Debbie, Anna, Jennie and I then sat down for dinner, Tessa is out but has Pizza for later, and Debbie has it for lunch tomorrow too.  I do like single meals that keep on giving like this, Fish Pie being another great example.

Now watching Galavant with Debbie, followed by Elementary.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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