Starting Jennie’s Bedsit

2016-02-07 08.01.58

The focus for today has been preparing the floor in Jennie’s bedsit ready to lay laminate flooring tomorrow. Before I started that though I slept well, woke up at 7:30 and headed to Lytham, had a quick walk and camped out in Caffe Nero for a couple of hours, then walked through the park, Green Drive and back along the greens.  Then it was off to B&Q to buy flooring, underlay, screws and nails and then home.

Back home I had a smoothie for lunch, cleaned the kitchen, sorted out the washing and did a little reading.  Then I got on with the real work of the day.  I moved a huge amount of Jennie’s stuff out of the room, into the garage, the conservatory, the hall and the living room.  Anna and Thom gave me a hand with a couple of the heaviest items.  Then I vacuumed the house and had a nap.

Jennie and Jon then arrived and we worked together to chop up the carpet into raised bed sized rectangles, rolled up the rest and the underlay, and prepared and cleaned the floor, leaving only a few nails to hammer in tomorrow.  I’ve pulled my back a little, which is not really surprising after so much lifting, I’ve iced it three times now and it’s feeling pretty good.

Debbie made dinner, I made the fruit salads and now we are watching Elementary.

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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