Allotment Diary–Friday 10 June 2016

It rained today, which meant that for the first time in months I didn’t have to do ANY watering, as the poly tunnels have been replaced by mesh tunnels and the greenhouse is self watering from below.  This meant that I really felt on top of things for the first time, able to weed a couple of beds, do a little planting and cropping and mostly chat.  I managed to give away 4 bags of veg too, two to Gill and a couple for Karl as well as brining a couple home for myself.

I’m pleased to report that even though I aggressively pulled up a LOT of veg that was past it’s best over the last two weeks, my new planting has caught up and I’ve avoided a hungry gap, in fact I have a good surplus running again – I’m quite impressed with myself – although it was all gut instinct, rather than planning.

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Today’s project was to screw the mobile mesh frames together and install the hoops and that went quickly, to save my elbow I think I will enlist Debbie’s help to put the mesh covers on them, there’s no rush.  Unlike my main frames, which are hinged to the raised beds these will just lay on the ground, as they are only temporary and they will be held down by bricks which will be placed in the planks at either end.

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I only planted one thing today, more carrots, this variety is resistant to root fly, but I’ve still put a mesh cover over it to keep the wind fall apples off it.  In fact this whole pallet of pots will eventually have a sloping cover over it for that purpose.

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This is the variety, they are planted very densely as they will be aggressively thinned out as snack carrots, to be eaten in salads.

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Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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